
Ever wonder why people have the audacity to question the official narrative of a real life saga? Is it because the climax seems to be as imaginatively created as one’s favourite novel? What makes some of us wonder with a mind that tends to think critically, only to find out that paranoia and the perceptions of others will indict us mentally ill? Some of us actually are those things. Paranoid. Awkward. Weird. Strange. Mental. And sometimes, we’re right.

Credibility destroyed by ravings of a lunatic, but we ask the questions anyway. Questions with real answers, and answers providing real solutions, floating around the aether. Oh, they’re out there, folks. You see, if a person asks a question and gets nothing, either one of two things will happen. They will make a mental note and file it away in a mental drawer with the label “Unanswered Questions”, then move on. Or they will title the page “Question to be answered” and toss it on their desk, pin it to their cork board, or stare at it for hours on end. The desk grows fuller, the board gets covered, and their eyes grow wearier with each moment they stare at the letters.

Some people can’t let it go. The questions eat at them until an answer becomes clear. Eventually, some of us will make one up. We’ll hypothesize, and theorize until the evidence supports our search. We’ll begin looking for our shoes, put on a jacket, and pull a hood over our head. Maybe, we’ll go out into the night and ask our questions on the street, but it soon becomes clear. No one out there knows the answers because either they have never asked the questions or they’ve filed them in the “Unanswered Questions” drawer.

There is a third option for some of these people. They never asked the question. They accept the official story. Even if it doesn’t add up. Would one believe it is instinct to do this? It just might be. Call it self-preservation. When Jack Ruby shot Lee Oswald in the Dallas Police Station, people lauded him a hero for killing the man who took away our beloved president. Even, though the whole scenario stunk of conspiracy from days before the assassination to the moment JFK’s head came undone in the middle of the road in Dealey Plaza, in front of everyone, to the day Lee told cameras he didn’t shoot anybody and that he was a patsy, to the moment Mr. Ruby killed him in front of a plethora of news cameras. Even to Ruby’s own sudden illness and death in prison after having served only a short part of his sentence.

Lee was going to talk, so he was killed. Ruby would have talked, eventually, so he was killed. Evidence was manipulated and this fact is obvious, but it only raised questions. They took away answers and hid them. Killed those that might be willing to answer them. How many people have come close to the truth since then? How many have lost their lives, because they got close? And how many are viewed as completely paranoid kooks for asking the questions, but getting nowhere near a real answer?

Recently, in July of 2016, there was a man by the name of Max Spiers. Great name. Ironically, it would be considered cliché if I were to use it in a fictional story. Max was a conspiracy theorist. Now he’s dead. Those two sentences side by side are very ominous, indeed. Again, great plot points for a fiction, if it wasn’t real life. Max asked questions, and when he didn’t get them he either made up the answers or accepted the answers of others that had made them up. It’s difficult when people in authority are completely unwilling to work with you. Conspiracy theorists are, for all intents and purposes, reporters, journalists, investigators, people with a real sense of what is right. The search for the truth is what drives them. So why are they brow beaten by their peers?

Well, let’s see. What was Max investigating? Well he was a UFO hunter, he had theories about the pineal gland, he believed in government cover ups. Now, lately, people all over the world are beginning to trust the governments of their countries less and less, and with good reason. They think they have a right to lie about everything under the sun as if they are better than the populations they govern. As if we are children. Like the way a parent makes the decision to withhold information from their kids in order to protect them. The thing is, we are not kids. Most of us are grown adults, and we want, desperately, to know what the hell is going on. So people like Max go on adventures and find stuff out for us. It is fringe journalism I guess you could say. Some call them the lunatic fringe. I like it. It has a ring to it, don’t you think?

Max was actually pretty well-known. In the CT community, that is. Being that I, myself, love a good conspiracy theory, I knew of Max. What people need to realise is, in this world of over seven billion people, there are a lot of crazies. Not all crazies are dangerous, and not all crazies are into conspiracy theories. But some are. Just as that is true, there are plenty of people who are not crazy at all, and love a good conspiracy theory. After all, it is the hunt for fiction, the hunt for truth, and distinguishing the line between the two that we find absolutely delicious. As a writer, there is nothing better than a good conspiracy theory, for obvious reasons.

Perhaps people like Max are just entertainers. I know there is no Bigfoot, but it is still pretty entertaining to watch six big men dressed in camouflage tramping through the forest in search of one on tv, even though they know god damned well as I do, they’re ain’t no god damned Bigfoot! But they are the ones out there. They are the ones hunting him, and to be truthful, they are the ones proving to the world, beyond a shadow of a doubt, there is no BigFoot. That is a service that people in the CT realm offer us. Either they believe their theories or they don’t. It’s really irrelevant. They are asking the questions, and supplying answers. Right or wrong, you decide?

But when these people end up dead? Now it is going beyond just entertainment. There are murderers in this world, folks. Regular everyday ones, and wealthy powerful ones. When you get too close to their touchy spots, they will lash out, and you will be dead, quick. You will be “Suicided.” You wanna know who gets suicided? People that look too closely at things, and then find out something fucked up, back up a step, pull out their phone, call their mom, and say, “Mom, I found something. I swear I’m not suicidal. If I end up dead, investigate.” Which is exactly what Max Spiers did only a few nights before he puked up a bunch of black liquid and died on his girlfriend’s sofa. An otherwise healthy man in his thirties just up and dies with symptoms of someone suffering from rat poison, on his Sci-Fi writer girlfriend’s couch, and soon after, it comes out that he was investigating military and government officials pedophile tendencies. Hmmmm?

Now even if he had been on to something, why would anyone believe the ramblings of a lunatic fringe CT celebrity whom has reported that he believes he has superhuman abilities since his mind was altered as a child? This is a question many people have an easy answer for: They don’t. But yet, it’s still a pretty common occurrence. Here is a conspiracy theory for ya. Many conspiracy theorists wind up committing suicide. Interesting, is it not?

A plug for a YouTuber I like, TheTrutherGirls, smart lady who does entertaining videos, I recommend her videos for people who like the subject and enjoy a perspective from someone who doesn’t seem to have lost her marbles just yet, recently did a video about this topic I am writing about. She addresses this very same observation. Nancy Shaefer, US senator investigating CPS kidnappings was murdered along with her husband. Ruled murder suicide. William Cooper, big conspiracy theorist, predicted 9/11 and his own death, murdered in a shootout near his home after being harassed. Deborah Jeane Palfrey, famous DC madame with possibly a lot of information on some pretty heavy hitters, arrested and eventually hanged. Ruled suicide even after going on Alex Jones, telling him she would never commit suicide.

Here we are now, crazy people committing suicide. Not a huge leap. Nothing to see here, folks. Happens all the time. You know what else happens all the time? Wealthy people getting together and doing some very nefarious shit, that don’t want to get caught. MK-Ultra was a real government conspiracy that tried to create the perfect discreet assassins. Project Paperclip was a real government conspiracy that saved a big group of Nazi scientists from being convicted of war crimes and brought to the US and given new identities. Project Mockingbird was a real conspiracy where the CIA paid top brand newspapers to report “Fake News” propaganda back in the 50’s-70’s. Even the Manhattan Project was a real conspiracy that only came into the light when the US dropped two massive atomic bombs on Japan near the end of WW2. One thing all of these conspiracies had in common were the amount of people murdered for getting too close to the truth.

As TheTrutherGirls says in her video, people who look into these conspiracy theories really are putting their lives at risk when they search for the truth. Whether it is their reputation or their physical health and safety, they should be viewed as heroes at best and at least concerned citizens. These are people that potentially put their lives on the line to seek truth and justice, and sometimes their only reward is to get “Suicided.”


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